Technical University of Crete (TUC/MUSIC - Greece)

TUC/MUSIC was established in 1990 in the Dep. of Electronics and Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece. It is a centre of research, development and teaching in the areas of distributed information systems, application engineering, computer graphics, and simulation engineering. TUC/MUSIC performs research in the areas of high performance distributed multimedia architectures, information systems offering advanced functionalities, database systems, information retrieval systems, digital libraries, service oriented architectures, and graphics systems. In the area of application engineering, TUC/MUSIC performs research in the topics of large distributed multimedia delivery networks for intelligent TV applications, semantic interoperability infrastructures, web and mobile based application development methodologies, natural language processing, as well as standard-based software infrastructures for multimedia applications in areas such as e-learning, culture and tourism, business applications, TV Applications and medicine.

Prof. Emer. Stavros Christodoulakis - Former director of TUC/MUSIC, Professor Emeritus of the ECE Department of TUC. Served as a member of the Scientific Board of the DELOS II Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries and co-coordinator of the DELOS II Cluster “Audio-visual and non-traditional objects”. 

Nektarios Moumoutzis - Researcher. Graduate of the Computer Science Department of the University of Crete. Holds an MEng in Computer Engineering and a PhD in Informatics. He has been involved in various research projects and his expertise includes project management, design and implementation of modern information systems, object-oriented databases, and eLearning systems. He was the project manager of the pSkills LLP Comenius project. His current research focuses on creativity methodologies and systems to support deep holistic learning in school education and in informal and non-formal learning settings incorporating Arts. 

Nikos Pappas - Research Engineer - Learning Technologies Expert. He holds an Engineering Diploma and a M.Sc. in Electronic and Computer Engineering. He has been working in TUC/MUSIC since 1992 and has been involved in various European research projects related to multimedia information systems, eLearning and digital libraries. He is the chief architect and responsible for the development and evolution of the Coursevo platform ( supporting communities of practice and training programmes.

Ioannis Maragkoudakis - Researcher – Financial expert. He is an electronic and computer engineer (Dipl.-Eng.). He has been working in TUC/MUSIC since 1992 and has been involved in various EU research projects. His expertise includes project management and coordination of research projects, parallel systems, multimedia servers, eLearning systems and applications.