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TIM^2 Methodology

Teaching mathematics with theatre workshop and drama

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Assessment and Evaluation Framework

Validating the TIM^2 methodology

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Open Educational Resources

Sharing of activities, lesson plans and project results via an e-learning platform

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TIM^2 Ontology

Relating TIM^2 activities to mathematical skills

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Theatrical Conference

Raising awareness about gender inequalities in mathematics

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Scientific Publications

Analysing and presenting the methodology in scientific articles

TIM^2 - Teaching mathematics using drama [Erasmus+ ID 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000159429]


TIM^2 - Theatre in mathematics explores the use of drama methods in mathematics teaching and learning. It is the continuation of the previous project “TIM - Theatre in Mathematics” that aimed to face the main obstacles in the way of teaching and learning mathematics at EU level. TIM^2 refines and spreads the TIM results, enhancing the focus on the possibility of strengthening the teachers competences to empower mathematical skills in a larger number of students.TIM^2 is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme: Strategic Partnership for School Education.

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The theatrical conference “Count on it! Women and mathematics” and local seminars in Italy, Norway, Greece and Portugal will disseminate project outputs and results.

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A methodology manual, an e-learning platform and an ontology freely accessible to maths teachers looking for innovative teaching methods.

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